Before taking this class

Before taking this class, I had already done numerous classes and camps in middle school and out of school. In middle school I took programming as my elective and did that for two years. When the pandemic hit, thats when I started getting serious about programming and learned the basics of python. My dad taught many things and also gave me resoucres such as udemy and w3schools. I also took online classes with my friends where we did little projects togetehr and showed off our skills.

Taking this class and what I have leanred

Although I had already leanred lists, dictionaries, tuples, ect, there were still many things that I have learned so far. I didn't know anything about github or vscode. After taking this class, I have learned how to make my own blog and commit changes. This week I learned how to make changes without commiting the changes I make on vscode. I am really excited to see what I learn as the weeks go on, because I quite surprised with what I have learned in these past weeks,