
Since it was my first time grading and following a collegboard criteria and assignment, I did struggle a little throughout this whole grading process, because I had to constantly go back to the criteria to check what they expected. I was also surprised many times when I saw that the collegeboard score was same/different from mine, like for example for the first submission, for the first question when I checked the collegeboard score I was kind of surprised, because I was grading a little easy thinking that the person had included everything, but when I looked at the explanation, I realized that it’s a lot more in depth than I had though. Furthermore for the first question I was surprised that the person didnt earn the full point because when I had went through their written response, I thought they had everthing included. But they didn’t since they didn’t state the actual purpose. This grading was challenging but it did open my eyes to the expectations collegboard has, additionaly it also made it clear for me how not explaining the purpose looks like and how it is supposed to look like.

Submission 1

My grade: 5/6

Collegeboard Grade: 4/6

Reporting Category  Requirements  Student Score  College Board Score   Comments
 Program Purpose and Function  

Video demonstrates:

  • - input
  • - program functionality
  • - output

Written Response:

  • - describes overall purpose of program
  • - describes functionality of program
  • - describes input and output of program
 1  0  The video shows the application running and input into the program from the user by placing tiles on a grid. The game simulation is displayed as output. The response explains the objective of the program and discusses the functionality displayed in the video. The response also includes information about the input and output.
 Data Abstraction  

Written Response:

  • -  includes two program code segments:
  • - one that shows how data has been stored in
    this list (or other collection type)
  • - one that shows the data in this same list being
    used as part of fulfilling the program’s purpose
  • - identifies the name of the variable representing the
    list being used in this response
- describes what the data contained in this list is
representing in the program.
 1  1  Two code segments are provided, as well as the name of the list. The response indicates other lists as well as what is in the list.
 Managing Complexity  

Written Response:

  • -  includes a program code segment that shows a list being used to manage complexity in the program
  • -  explains how the named, selected list manages
    complexity in the program code by explaining why
    the program code could not be written, or how it
    would be written differently, without using this list
 0  0  The response offers code that manages complexity with a list, and also explains why the function could not be created without a list.
 Procedural Abstraction  

Written Response:

  • -  includes two program code segments:
  • -  one showing a student-developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect
    on the functionality of the procedure
  • - one showing where the student-developed
    procedure is being called
  • -  describes what the identified procedure does and
    how it contributes to the overall functionality of the
 1  1  The response includes a well-developed procedure and explains how the functionality of the procedure contributes to the overall functionality of the software.
 Algorithmic Implementation  

Written Response:

  • -  includes a program code segment of a student- Implementation developed algorithm that includes
  • - sequencing
  • - selection
  • - iteration
-  explains in detailed steps how the identified
algorithm works in enough detail that someone else
could recreate it
 1  1  The developed algorithm is included into the procedure, and the response describes in detail how the algorithm works so that it may be duplicated.

Written Response:

  • -  describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3c. Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute
  • - describes the condition(s) being tested by each call to the procedure
  •  identifies the result of each call
 1  1  The response explains 2 different calls to the specific process, each of which results in a separate set of code being run. The response specifies the conditions being tested as well as the outcomes of the two calls, which resulted in two distinct outcomes.

Submission 2

My grade: 6/6

Collegeboard Grade: 6/6

Reporting Category  Requirements  Student Score  College Board Score   Comments
 Program Purpose and Function  

Video demonstrates:

  • - input
  • - program functionality
  • - output

Written Response:

  • - describes overall purpose of program
  • - describes functionality of program
  • - describes input and output of program
 1  1 The video shows the application running and input into the program from the user by placing tiles on a grid. The game simulation is displayed as output. The response explains the objective of the program and discusses the functionality displayed in the video. The response also includes information about the input and output.
 Data Abstraction  

Written Response:

  • -  includes two program code segments:
  • - one that shows how data has been stored in
    this list (or other collection type)
  • - one that shows the data in this same list being
    used as part of fulfilling the program’s purpose
  • - identifies the name of the variable representing the
    list being used in this response
- describes what the data contained in this list is
representing in the program.
 1  1 Two code segments are provided, as well as the name of the list. The response indicates other lists as well as what is in the list.
 Managing Complexity  

Written Response:

  • -  includes a program code segment that shows a list being used to manage complexity in the program
  • -  explains how the named, selected list manages
    complexity in the program code by explaining why
    the program code could not be written, or how it
    would be written differently, without using this list
 1  1  
 Procedural Abstraction  

Written Response:

  • -  includes two program code segments:
  • -  one showing a student-developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect
    on the functionality of the procedure
  • - one showing where the student-developed
    procedure is being called
  • -  describes what the identified procedure does and
    how it contributes to the overall functionality of the
 1  1  The response includes a well-developed procedure and explains how the functionality of the procedure contributes to the overall functionality of the software.
 Algorithmic Implementation  

Written Response:

  • -  includes a program code segment of a student- Implementation developed algorithm that includes
  • - sequencing
  • - selection
  • - iteration
-  explains in detailed steps how the identified
algorithm works in enough detail that someone else
could recreate it
 1  1  The developed algorithm is included into the procedure, and the response describes in detail how the algorithm works so that it may be duplicated.

Written Response:

  • -  describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3c. Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute
  • - describes the condition(s) being tested by each call to the procedure
  •  identifies the result of each call
 1  1 The response explains 2 different calls to the specific process, each of which results in a separate set of code being run. The response specifies the conditions being tested as well as the outcomes of the two calls, which resulted in two distinct outcomes.


  1. Express, “What would you code given absolute freedom? If I were given the absolute freedom to code whatever I wanted, I would code an app where the user would answer a few questions regarding their health and receive what type of disease or medical problem they are facing. Additionally they would receive recommended medical treatment or medication. In addition to this app I would also code a diet plan app where the user can again answer a few questions regarding their goals and what they would like to achieve in terms of their weight/health. After answering the questions, basically taking a survey and would get a diet plan and an exercise plan that would fit best for them and help them achieve their goal. Their progress would be stored and even show how far they have reached and what they still have left to do in order to reach their goal.

  2. What would motivate you to be productive each day given the freedom to code what you want? My teammates and the idea to help people with my code would motivate me to be productivive. I would want to code something that could possibly even change the world or help the people around me in some way, so the thought of that would motivate me. Also the idea of successfully completing the project and achieving that sense of pride and accomplishment would drive me to achieve my goal.

  3. How would you measure success in your team? In terms of teamwork, I would say if all of the teammates worked together to solve conflicting problems instead of leaving it to one person solving it and making sure everyone’s opinions and ideas are integrated into the project and taken into consideration would measure the success in our team. I would also say that having patience is the biggest key, because it takes time to achieve goals and if we are not patient with each other and the project itself then it would lead to failure.

  4. In a project, most students are more motivated if the project seems useful, unique, and has an interested consumer. How will you maintain motivation People find motivation in different ways, but I believe if you are constantly reminded about your goals and challenge yourself and think about what you would achieve when completing the project, it would motivate you to keep going. Personally for me, I like to surround myself with people who support me and my goals and push me to keep going. Additionally, celebrating even the smallest achievement keeps me motivated, because every step and change is important.