
Performance Task Scoring week 2 was a little easier than before, because I was a a lot more familiarized with the content, although im still trying to understand each expectation and making sure to spot it in the video or written response of the student. Something I realized that sometimes I gave the same grade as collegeboard, but not for the same reason. Sometimes I missed a point and took or gave a point for a different reason. Another thing i’m trying still struggling with, is quickly identifying what the person did wrong in their response or sometimes overthinking. For the next time I will keep checking the rubric as i’m grading instead of checking it once in the beginning.

Student 1 Grading

My Grade: 1/6

CB Grade: 1/6

Reporting Category  Requirements  Student Score  College Board Score   Comments
 Program Purpose and Function  

Video demonstrates:

  • - input
  • - program functionality
  • - output

Written Response:

  • - describes overall purpose of program
  • - describes functionality of program
  • - describes input and output of program
 0  0 The person did not state the actual purpose, rather they stated what the program does.
 Data Abstraction  

Written Response:

  • -  includes two program code segments:
  • - one that shows how data has been stored in
    this list (or other collection type)
  • - one that shows the data in this same list being
    used as part of fulfilling the program’s purpose
  • - identifies the name of the variable representing the
    list being used in this response
- describes what the data contained in this list is
representing in the program.
 0  0


They described the data contanined in the lists, however they didn't use the lists they mentioned. 

 Managing Complexity  

Written Response:

  • -  includes a program code segment that shows a list being used to manage complexity in the program
  • -  explains how the named, selected list manages
    complexity in the program code by explaining why
    the program code could not be written, or how it
    would be written differently, without using this list
 0  0  The response offers code that manages complexity with a list, and also explains why the function could not be created without a list.
 Procedural Abstraction  

Written Response:

  • -  includes two program code segments:
  • -  one showing a student-developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect
    on the functionality of the procedure
  • - one showing where the student-developed
    procedure is being called
  • -  describes what the identified procedure does and
    how it contributes to the overall functionality of the
 0  0 It didn't meet any of the expectations, it didn't include a program that uses a list for complexity and does not explain the lists.
 Algorithmic Implementation  

Written Response:

  • -  includes a program code segment of a student- Implementation developed algorithm that includes
  • - sequencing
  • - selection
  • - iteration
-  explains in detailed steps how the identified
algorithm works in enough detail that someone else
could recreate it
 0  0 The solution comprises a technique created by the students, along with a description of how it works.

Written Response:

  • -  describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3c. Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute
  • - describes the condition(s) being tested by each call to the procedure
  •  identifies the result of each call
 1  1 it described the two different calls, the conditions being used, and the results as well.

Student 2 Grading

My Grade: 6/6

CB Grade: 6/6

Reporting Category  Requirements  Student Score  College Board Score   Comments
 Program Purpose and Function  

Video demonstrates:

  • - input
  • - program functionality
  • - output

Written Response:

  • - describes overall purpose of program
  • - describes functionality of program
  • - describes input and output of program
 1  1 The objective of the program is stated as being creative expression in the video, which also shows input, runs the program, defines its functioning, and describes input and output.
 Data Abstraction  

Written Response:

  • -  includes two program code segments:
  • - one that shows how data has been stored in
    this list (or other collection type)
  • - one that shows the data in this same list being
    used as part of fulfilling the program’s purpose
  • - identifies the name of the variable representing the
    list being used in this response
- describes what the data contained in this list is
representing in the program.
 1  1 The response identifies what is contained in the list when two different code segments are given.
 Managing Complexity  

Written Response:

  • -  includes a program code segment that shows a list being used to manage complexity in the program
  • -  explains how the named, selected list manages
    complexity in the program code by explaining why
    the program code could not be written, or how it
    would be written differently, without using this list
 1  1 The response demonstrates how the code would be written differently and provides code that manages complexity using lists of words.
 Procedural Abstraction  

Written Response:

  • -  includes two program code segments:
  • -  one showing a student-developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect
    on the functionality of the procedure
  • - one showing where the student-developed
    procedure is being called
  • -  describes what the identified procedure does and
    how it contributes to the overall functionality of the
 1  1


The response comprises a process created by students, outlines its operation, and discusses how it benefits the program as a whole.

 Algorithmic Implementation  

Written Response:

  • -  includes a program code segment of a student- Implementation developed algorithm that includes
  • - sequencing
  • - selection
  • - iteration
-  explains in detailed steps how the identified
algorithm works in enough detail that someone else
could recreate it
 1  1 The solution comprises a technique created by the students, along with a description of how it works.

Written Response:

  • -  describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3c. Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute
  • - describes the condition(s) being tested by each call to the procedure
  •  identifies the result of each call
 1  1 The response provides the varied results of the two procedure calls and explains that the last argument caused the two calls to the particular process to produce different codes.

Student 3 Grading

My Grade: 6/6

CB Grade: 5/6

Reporting Category  Requirements  Student Score  College Board Score   Comments
 Program Purpose and Function  

Video demonstrates:

  • - input
  • - program functionality
  • - output

Written Response:

  • - describes overall purpose of program
  • - describes functionality of program
  • - describes input and output of program
 1  0


All the expectations are met and response shows running of program and describes functionality

 Data Abstraction  

Written Response:

  • -  includes two program code segments:
  • - one that shows how data has been stored in
    this list (or other collection type)
  • - one that shows the data in this same list being
    used as part of fulfilling the program’s purpose
  • - identifies the name of the variable representing the
    list being used in this response
- describes what the data contained in this list is
representing in the program.
 1  1 The response identifies what is contained in the list when two different code segments are given.
 Managing Complexity  

Written Response:

  • -  includes a program code segment that shows a list being used to manage complexity in the program
  • -  explains how the named, selected list manages
    complexity in the program code by explaining why
    the program code could not be written, or how it
    would be written differently, without using this list
 1  1 The response demonstrates how the code would be written differently and provides code that manages complexity using lists of words.
 Procedural Abstraction  

Written Response:

  • -  includes two program code segments:
  • -  one showing a student-developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect
    on the functionality of the procedure
  • - one showing where the student-developed
    procedure is being called
  • -  describes what the identified procedure does and
    how it contributes to the overall functionality of the
 1  1


The response comprises a process created by students, outlines its operation, and discusses how it benefits the program as a whole.

 Algorithmic Implementation  

Written Response:

  • -  includes a program code segment of a student- Implementation developed algorithm that includes
  • - sequencing
  • - selection
  • - iteration
-  explains in detailed steps how the identified
algorithm works in enough detail that someone else
could recreate it
 1  1 The solution comprises a technique created by the students, along with a description of how it works.

Written Response:

  • -  describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3c. Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute
  • - describes the condition(s) being tested by each call to the procedure
  •  identifies the result of each call
 1  1 The response provides the varied results of the two procedure calls and explains that the last argument caused the two calls to the particular process to produce different codes.

Student 4 Grading

My Grade: 4/6

CB Grade: 3/6

Reporting Category  Requirements  Student Score  College Board Score   Comments
 Program Purpose and Function  

Video demonstrates:

  • - input
  • - program functionality
  • - output

Written Response:

  • - describes overall purpose of program
  • - describes functionality of program
  • - describes input and output of program
 1  1


All the expectations are met and response shows running of program and describes functionality

 Data Abstraction  

Written Response:

  • -  includes two program code segments:
  • - one that shows how data has been stored in
    this list (or other collection type)
  • - one that shows the data in this same list being
    used as part of fulfilling the program’s purpose
  • - identifies the name of the variable representing the
    list being used in this response
- describes what the data contained in this list is
representing in the program.
 1  0 The response identifies what is contained in the list when two different code segments are given.
 Managing Complexity  

Written Response:

  • -  includes a program code segment that shows a list being used to manage complexity in the program
  • -  explains how the named, selected list manages
    complexity in the program code by explaining why
    the program code could not be written, or how it
    would be written differently, without using this list
 0  0 The response makes no mention of how the list manages complexity and refers to a list that is not identified.
 Procedural Abstraction  

Written Response:

  • -  includes two program code segments:
  • -  one showing a student-developed procedure with at least one parameter that has an effect
    on the functionality of the procedure
  • - one showing where the student-developed
    procedure is being called
  • -  describes what the identified procedure does and
    how it contributes to the overall functionality of the
 1  1


The response comprises a process created by students, outlines its operation, and discusses how it benefits the program as a whole.

 Algorithmic Implementation  

Written Response:

  • -  includes a program code segment of a student- Implementation developed algorithm that includes
  • - sequencing
  • - selection
  • - iteration
-  explains in detailed steps how the identified
algorithm works in enough detail that someone else
could recreate it
 1  1 The solution comprises a technique created by the students, along with a description of how it works.

Written Response:

  • -  describes two calls to the selected procedure identified in written response 3c. Each call must pass a different argument(s) that causes a different segment of code in the algorithm to execute
  • - describes the condition(s) being tested by each call to the procedure
  •  identifies the result of each call
 0  0 The student  just discussed the tested conditions and not the code execution arguments.