Project Purpose:

To assist in day to day food preparation and encourage healthy food habits, one meal at a time.

Intended Audience:

People who are busy, starting diets, and/ or looking to expand their tastes.

My feature - Nutrition Analysis


This feature’s main objective is to evaluate food recipes and ingredients, provide the measures and quantities, and calculate the appropriate nutrition for each recipe as well as the appropriate health and diet labels, such as calories, total fat, sodium.


The targeted audience for this feature is anyone is health conscious or wants a certain diet.


The user will input the ingredients or recipes they will be using, they can include the amount as well. For example: 1 cup of rice and 10 ounce of chickpeas.


The user will be provided with a table stored with all the ingredients they typed, so they can always go back to see them. And they will also see another table with nutrition facts based on those ingredients.


Two APIs: Individual Text Line Analysis and Full Recipe Analysis The text line analysis will analyze what the user has typed in the text box and after analyzing it, it will go to the Full Recipe Analysis will have the nutrition facts and output information according to the users input.


Video Plan:

  • Input text(ingrediants or a recipe) in the text box and then click analyze.
  • Will output the stored information(ingrediants) and the calories so the user can go back to check what they inputed and will also output a table with the nutrition facts