
This feature’s main objective is to evaluate food recipes and ingredients, provide the measures and quantities, and calculate the appropriate nutrition for each recipe as well as the appropriate health and diet labels, such as calories, total fat, sodium.


The targeted audience for this feature is anyone is health conscious or wants a certain diet.


The user will input the ingredients or recipes they will be using, they can include the amount as well. For example: 1 cup of rice and 10 ounce of chickpeas.


The user will be provided with a table stored with all the ingredients they typed, so they can always go back to see them. And they will also see another table with nutrition facts based on those ingredients.

Program Purpose and Function:

The purpose of this function is to help people gain knowledge about the nutrition facts of the food they are intaking. The fucntion will allow them to enter any amount of ingrediants with their amounts into a textbox. As the output they will recieve all the total calculated nutrition on those ingrediants.

Data Abstraction:

The data abstraction of the nutrition analysis refers to the process of extracting and organizing the relevant data needed to perform the analysis. It inlcudes the Food composition data, which includes the nutrient content of individual food items, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Additionally it also has the portion size information, which includes information on the serving size of a food or recipe, which is important for calculating the nutrient content per serving.

Managing complexity:

The nutrition analyzer manages the complexity of evaluating the nutrient content of foods or recipes by automated calculation, which uses use software from the API to automate the calculation of nutrient content. This reduces the time and effort required to perform manual calculations and reduces the risk of errors.

Proceduaral Abstraction:

In the nutrition analyzer, the procedural abstraction might involve breaking down the process of analyzing a food’s nutritional information into a series of smaller steps or procedures. This includes steps such as inputting the food type, measuring the serving size, and determining the nutrient content of the food. The goal is to simplify the process of determining the nutritional information for a food, making it easier for users to understand and use the nutrition analyzer effectively.

Algorithm Implementation:

The algorithm implementation in the nutrition analyzer refers to the specific steps that the system follows to perform its intended task of determining the nutritional content of the food. This involves the creation of a series of mathematical formulas and calculations that take into account various inputs, such as the food type, serving size, and nutrient content, and produce an output, such as the number of calories, grams of protein, or other nutritional information.


The user inputs an ingrediant or list of ingrediants and recieves the nutrition values/information as the output.