Our project was related to food, and our features included a nutrition analyser, quiz, recipe finder, and recipe generator.

I believe that our presentations were successful, because our code was working and we were able to demonstrate our work without any errors, and people seemed to really enjoy each feature.

Something I would improve in terms of my feature would definetly be to connect a table to the output box, so as soon as the user inputs ingrediants and presses enter, the data is stored in a table.

After we presented, I went to my friends in different periods and looked at their works.

One of my favorite presentations was the wordle game, as we had attempted to do that last tri, but because we had some code missing, the project was incomplete, so I was happy that it was successfully comepleted by one of my previous teammates.

I also saw band perform and I really enjoyed watching them play several amazing pieces, and it felt nice after such a busy day.

I also saw many art pieces, from ceramics and AP art. I was really inspired by everything I saw, as all the artworks were really beautiful and really showed how much effort students put in. Since I really liked the art/ceramics art work, I decided to take AP art next year.