This is the result I got after taking the final test.


Questions I missed

These are the questions I missed on the test. I missed a total of 9 questions, there were times when I didn’t understand or know the answer to some questions, so I would go back to the collegeboard lessons and review the topic. After taking the test, I realized that I didn’t struggle much on the questions that involved code and the basics of coding.


Question 2

For this question I put D as my answer. This answer is wrong because when x is not negative, y is assigned the value false and the display statement is never executed. The correct answer is C because when x is negative, y is assigned the value true and the value of y is displayed. When x is not negative, y is assigned the value false and the display statement is never executed.

Question 3

For this question I put D as my answer. This answer is wrong because collaboration that includes diverse backgrounds and perspectives can reflect the strengths of the individual team members. The correct answer is A because the need for software testing is not eliminated, even with effective collaborators. Testing ensures that an algorithm or program is producing the expected outcomes.

Question 4

For this question I put D as my answer. This answer is wrong the usernames of the people on Brandon and Cynthia’s contact lists are not needed. Since Alejandra is organizing the meal, only her contact list is used.The correct answer is A because each group member’s list of food allergies or dietary restrictions is needed for the application to determine which restaurants can accommodate all members of the group. Alejandra’s geographic location is needed so that the application can determine which restaurants are nearby. The usernames of the people on Brandon and Cynthia’s contact lists are not needed. Since Alejandra is organizing the meal, only her contact list is used.

Question 8

For this question I put A as my answer. This answer is wrong because the value of j does not need to be between 0 and k. The procedure only works if j and k are valid list indices, so it is important to document that j and k are both between 1 and LENGTH(numList), inclusive. The correct answer is B because the procedure creates a copy of numList called newList. The element at newList[j] is assigned the element at numList[k], and the element at newList[k] is assigned the element at numList[j]. Therefore, the difference between numList and newList is that the elements at indices j and k are interchanged. The procedure only works if j and k are valid list indices, so it is important to document that j and k are both between 1 and LENGTH(numList), inclusive.

Question 14

For this question we had to pick two answers and I only picked one (B) which was one of the right answers. The other right answer is D. These two answers are right because when numCorrect is 6, the condition numCorrect > 7 evaluates to false. Therefore “check” is displayed instead of the intended “check minus” and when numCorrect is 8, the condition numCorrect > 7 evaluates to true and the condition numCorrect ≥ 9 evaluates to false. Therefore “check minus” is displayed instead of the intended “check plus”.

Question 18

For this question I picked B which is wrong because the Internet is not a data stream. The right answer is C because the Internet is an interconnected network of networks, and the World Wide Web is an information system that is accessed via the Internet.

Question 35

For this question we had to pick two answers but I picked only one of the right answers which was A I believe, the other right answer was D. These two are right because this code segment sets maxPS to 50 by default, then uses the IF statement to set maxPS to 30 when time > 120 and plus this code segment uses the IF statement to set maxPS to 30 when time > 120 and uses the ELSE statement to set maxPS to 50 otherwise.

Question 39

For this question I kind of rushed and misread the question. I picked B, but this is wrong because while the list elements are strings, the indices of a list are typically nonnegative integers. The correct answer is D because list indices are typically nonnegative integers. The exam reference sheet describes a list structure whose index values are 1 through the number of elements in the list, inclusive. So, 4 would be considered a valid index.

Question 49

For this question I picked the answer B, but this is wrong because this code segment produces the string “onon”. The correct answer is C because this code segment assigns “on” to word. It then concatenates the reverse of word (“no”) with word (“on”), producing the intended string “noon”.

These were all the question I got wrong. Now in this section of the blog I will be going through the test one more time and explore topics I had trouble understanding.

What are binary numbers?

A Binary Number is made up of only 0s and 1s. For example:


This number above is a binary number! FACT: There is no 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 in Binary! Binary numbers have many uses in mathematics and beyond.

Binary Numbers Table

The Internet

  • Around 1975, huge computers still existed, amd people thought of the internet As time evolved, smaller computers were made.
  • Computing devices like our routers, motion sensors, and laptops
  • Computer users wanted to communicate to each other somehow through the use of internet
  • Computers understand electrons; electrons are represented by number systems (binary, octal, decimal, etc)
  • Packet is a small amount of data sent over a network. Each packet also includes the source and the destination information
  • A computer system is a group of computing devices and programs working together for a joint purpose
  • A computer network is a group of interconnected computing devices capable of sending or receiving data (a computer network is a type of computing system)
  • Packet Switching: The message (file) is broken up into packets and sent in any order. The packets are reassembled by the recipient’s device
  • Routing is the process of path selection in any network
  • Bandwidth is the range of frequencies or maximum amount that can be sent on a computer network (like on zoom)
  • bandwidth measured in bits per second

Program Function and Purpose

  • Computer Programs different inputs
    • Tactile (touch)
    • Audio
    • Visual
    • Text (numerical & alpha)
  • Programs are written in an event driven environment.
    • Events are usually actions taken or triggered that usually sends input
    • mouse clicks
    • screen taps/swipes (force touch)
    • keyboard entries
  • Categories of Innovations
    • Applications
      • Games
      • Social Media
      • Business
      • Productivity
    • Physical Devices
      • Computers
      • Smart phones/tablets
    • Systems
      • Cloud Services
      • E-mail
      • E-commerce
  • Social Media Applications
    • It allows users from around the world to communicate easily without any issues such as mailing
    • Be updated and know other peoples’ lifestyle
    • Socialize and connect online
  • E-commerce
    • Allows users from any part of world to buy something they require or need
    • It is efficient and doesn’t require traveling
    • It isn’t time consuming, just add to your cart and save