My experience…

After arriving at the classroom, me and my team worked on our project a little bit, because we were having trouble with our game and because we were going to be presenting. Screenshots:

After we presented our game, I went back to the classroom and looked at other people’s projects.

Projects I looked at

Project 1

The first one that I looked at was this emotion test project. Basically you choose an emotion you are feeling and it outputs songs according to your emotion. I really liked this project, because I really liked the idea of it and I was amazed with the songs that came out.

Project 2

The second project I looked at was a group from my class. They built a dictionary, and they had a search bar where you could eneter the word and it would output the defination. I also liked that they had a word of the day that changed everyday.

Art pieces from different classes

After looking at a few projects around the classroom, me and ekam went to the 3D animation, ceramics, studio art,drawing and painting classrooms to view all the amazing artwork the students had created. As I was going around looking at the different pieces of artwork, I was really inspired and it made me want to join the class too. After seeing all the art, I am definalty going to be taking an art class next year. Here are the some of the pieces we saw.

Art 1

Art 2

Art 3

Art 4

Art 5

Art 6

Art 7

Art 8

Ideas for next tri

Some ideas I have for next tri are:

  • math calculator
  • personality quiz
  • GPA calculator
  • a game, maybe hangman
  • guess the word quiz
  • 20 questions game

What are some things I would improve?

For this tri, my team did a great job, we had great frontend coding, however our backend part was a little hard. We were having trouble connecting the frontend with the backend. For next time, I am going to plan things better, and not procrasinate. I will also talk to my future team to have meetings outside of school once in a while.