Fastpages Notebook Blog Post

A tutorial of fastpages for Jupyter notebooks.

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Fastpages Notebook Blog Post

A tutorial of fastpages for Jupyter notebooks.

  • toc:true - badges: true
  • comments: true
  • categories: [jupyter]

Everything I learned during the Alumnai Panel!

CS Alumnai Panel Write-Up topics

  • Topics...
    • How did you realize you want to take your major and how did CSA and CSP help?
    • What is the biggest challenge you have encountered in Computer Science?
    • Are there any PBL scenarios in College computer science classes?
    • Have you applied CS in your major if you are not majoring in CS?
    • What job oppertunities are there? Did you work with your proffesor?
    • Have you done any personal projects, are they helpful?
    • Applying for Internships
    • Takeaways

What are some majors that are related to computer science?

  • Software Developer

  • Web Developer

  • UX Designer

  • Mobile App Developer

  • IT Project Manager

  • Information Security Analyst

  • Systems Architect

  • AI Engineer

  • Information Technology and Information Systems

  • Computer Science

  • Information Science

  • Systems & Network Administration

  • Software Engineering

  • Computer Engineering

  • Cybersecurity

How did you realize you want to take your major and how did CSA and CSP help?

  • Did computer science since he was very little

  • Took intro classes to cs

  • Didnt like cs at first, but realized it’s important

  • Made games and attended summer classes for cs

  • realized it's very helpful

  • found that what she does with programming can actually help solve problems

What is the biggest challenge you have encountered in Computer Science?

  • The errors that popped up on github

  • Clashing egos

  • People bragging about the projects they have done

  • Hard finding the motivation to continue cs

  • Frustration with the syntax

  • Starting and not being familiar to the content

  • Urge to keep everything organized, but hard since there is a lot to do

Are there any PBL scenarios in College computer science classes?

  • They will have projects

  • Study in groups and work with other people

  • oppertunities for hands on experiances

  • limited amount of space limited in proffesors

Have you applied CS in your major if you are not majoring in CS?

  • Coding is everywhere

  • Helps with math related work

  • In college students use jupyter notebook for their work

  • Program analysis

  • graphing/statistics (R )